Much lighter in weight than other flexible dielectric cover-up, Chance Line Hose helps protect workers from accidental contact with conductors.
In accordance with ASTM D 1050-90, Chance ozone/coronaresistant thermoplastic elastomer offers excellent performance properties.
It does not absorb water. Easy to handle and place The outer lip peels back with ease to open and start onto a conductor from either end.
With a push at the other end, the full length slides on as the lips zip closed around the conductor. To remove each piece, open one end and
strip the remainder off the conductor.
Short-Lip Flexible Line Hose
Features & Applications
High-visibility orange color
Choice of ratings and sizes: 17kV, Class 2, 1-1/4”-dia., 26.5kV, Class 3, 1-1/2” dia.
Low Weight, High Performance
Much lighter in weight than other flexible dielectric cover-up
Helps protect workers from accidental brush contact with conductors
In accordance with ASTM D1050, CHANCE ozone/ corona-resistant thermoplastic elastomer offers excellent performance properties
Does not absorb water
Easy To Handle And Place
Outer lip peels back with ease to open and start onto a conductor from either end
With a push at the other end, full length slides on as lips zip closed around conductor
To remove each piece, open one end and strip the remainder off the conductor
Excellent Color Retention
Effectively retains original color
Superior resistance to long-term ageing/checking